Tuesday, November 30, 2004

What Fer

What Fer. How Come. Why. Or as they say in the South, Hwaa?

I intend in these digital pages to share my thoughts – some serious, and some amusing, I hope – on language and the interplay of ideas, and to explore the deeps and shallows of American English.

I write for a living, earning my wage in freelance marketing, public relations and web writing. Little of this work is likely to win notice. Indeed, it’s a blessing that my name is seldom associated with the finished product. I pound the keys in hope of squeezing out a few gems amid the gravel, and getting paid promptly, of course.

When not writing, I read – broadly and hungrily – and take pleasure in the well-turned phrase that lights the path to understanding. This chronicle provides space for recording little observations and larger discoveries along that journey.